Contact Malaty Therapy in Kingwood, TX
Malaty Therapy is a team of dedicated therapists ready to help teens, young adults, and their families with mental health issues, depression and anxiety, eating disorders, trauma, addiction and more. Come find the best therapists in Kingwood, TX.
The need for teen therapy for trauma and mental health issues continues to grow in our country, state, and our city of Kingwood, TX. Whether there is trouble at home, trouble at school, problems with sleep, or peer pressure, young adults and teens are suffering more than ever before.
We can help, if you are a parent in Kingwood, TX and have noticed signs of mental health issues in your teen or young adult child such as:
- Compulsive behaviors
- Changes in eating habits
- Changes in sleeping habits
- Confusions or problems concentrating
- Difficulty maintaining relationships
- Extreme mood swings
- Feeling excessively sad or down for more than 2 weeks
- Isolation from friends
- Signs of high stress, anxiety, excessive worrying or fear
Therapists Near Me Kingwood
Our Kingwood location provides teen psychotherapy services to the north Harris County area including the communities of Atascocita, Humble, TX and Spring, TX.
The nearby Deerbrook Mall is a popular spot for teens and young adults to enjoy shopping and connecting with friends. Malls can be great places to bond and share common interests with friends and family, but they can also be places that trigger insecurities and foster negative feelings of self-worth from body shaming to economic insecurities. If you find that your child or teen is overwhelmed with these feelings, please call us so we can begin to help them live a happier and healthier life.
Malaty Therapy Kingwood also provides therapy to young adults from local colleges who are struggling with depression and anxiety. We are in close proximity to and have therapy services available for students at Lone Star College-Kingwood and Lone Star College – North Harris County.
When students find themselves in a new environment, alone and away from home, it can be difficult to cope with the stress of college life. Malaty Therapy Kingwood is here to help and guide with a diverse group of expert and credentialed therapists.
If you or your family are struggling with any of the following, please reach out and connect with us today:
- Academic underachievement
- Adjustment issues and transitions related to a life event
- Anxiety
- Career issues
- College-age issues
- Compulsive and risky behaviors
- Depression
- Disordered eating
- Health concerns
- Issues related to shame, perfectionism, and worthiness
- LGBTQ Issues
- Personal growth and self-acceptance
- Relationship challenges
Contact Malaty Therapy in Kingwood, TX at 281-624-6571 for an appointment today or use the form below.