This collection of articles provides advice and focuses on issues involving our counseling services for adults at Malaty Therapy in Houston Texas. Contact us at 713 628-3966 for an appointment. Just one session can help!

Finding the Best Therapist in Houston for Your Anxiety

When searching for a therapist in Houston for your anxiety it is essential to consider factors like specialization, approach, and compatibility. When dealing with anxiety, seeking the expertise of a specialist is crucial for effective treatment and management. Professional therapists who specialize in anxiety disorders can provide the tailored care and techniques needed to address the specific challenges that anxiety presents. From cognitive-behavioral therapy to medication management, a specialist can offer a range of therapies that have been proven to be successful in addressing anxiety symptoms. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the importance of consulting a specialist for anxiety and explore the best treatments available to help you navigate through the complexities of anxiety. It is natural to feel overwhelmed when seeking a therapist in Houston for your anxiety, but remember, taking that initial step is a courageous act of self-care. Finding and talking with the best therapist in Houston for your anxiety can be one of the most beneficial options you can do for your mental health.

Understanding Anxiety and Its Impact

Exploring What Anxiety Really Means

Anxiety is more than just feeling stressed or worried. It’s a chronic condition characterized by excessive and persistent worry that can interfere with daily activities. While it’s natural to experience occasional anxiety, this condition can be debilitating when feelings become overwhelming and constant. It often involves physical symptoms such as a racing heart, shortness of breath, and headaches. Understanding anxiety is the first step in managing it. It’s vital to recognize that anxiety is a common and treatable mental health issue. In Houston therapy sessions, an anxiety therapist will work to help individuals understand their anxiety, identify triggers, and develop coping strategies that are effective and sustainable in the long-term. Acknowledging anxiety as a serious health condition is essential for anyone seeking to regain control over their life and well-being.

The Effect of Anxiety on Your Life

Anxiety can cast a wide net over various aspects of your life, affecting your work, relationships, and overall happiness. It can lead to avoidance of certain situations or cause difficulties in concentration and decision-making. In the workplace, it might manifest as a fear of public speaking or a reluctance to engage with colleagues, potentially hindering career progression. Socially, anxiety can cause withdrawal from friends and activities you once enjoyed, leading to isolation. Physically, chronic anxiety can contribute to health issues like high blood pressure and heart disease. Moreover, it can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and decreased energy levels. In Houston, therapists understand these impacts and are equipped to help individuals tackle the specific ways in which anxiety is affecting their lives, offering both relief and strategies for a more balanced future.

The Power of Therapy in Addressing Anxiety

Why Seek Therapy, Why Now?

Seeking therapy is a proactive step toward taking control of your anxiety instead of letting it control you. The decision to seek help is a significant one, as delaying treatment can often worsen the symptoms. Engaging with a therapist for your anxiety in Houston now can provide you with immediate strategies to alleviate anxiety symptoms and can prevent the development of more severe mental health issues. Therapy offers a safe space to explore your feelings, understand the root causes of your anxiety, and learn how to manage it effectively. In the hands of a skilled anxiety therapist, you can develop resilience and coping mechanisms that will serve you not only today but in the long run. The sooner you start, the quicker you can begin your journey towards a calmer, more centered life, free from the paralyzing grip of anxiety.

Proven Help From Therapists For Your Anxiety In Houston 

Several therapeutic approaches have been proven effective in treating anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is widely recognized for its success in helping individuals understand and change their thought patterns and behaviors related to anxiety. Through CBT, therapists in Houston guide clients to challenge irrational fears and beliefs to reduce anxious symptoms. Exposure therapy, a subset of CBT, involves gradual exposure to anxiety triggers in a controlled environment, helping individuals build confidence and reduce avoidance behaviors. Mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques can also be powerful tools, teaching clients to focus on the present moment and manage physiological responses to stress. Medication may be used in conjunction with therapy for some, offering additional relief when appropriate. Houston therapists are skilled in these treatments, ensuring that each client receives personalized care tailored to their specific needs and goals for overcoming anxiety.

Find the Best Therapist in Houston

How to Choose the Right Therapist For Your Anxiety In Houston

Choosing the right therapist for your anxiety in Houston is a deeply personal decision and one that can significantly impact your therapy’s success. When looking for the best therapist in Houston for your anxiety, consider their specialization and whether it aligns with your needs regarding anxiety. It’s important to evaluate their experience, credentials, and treatment approaches. Look for a therapist who offers an initial consultation, giving you the opportunity to ask questions and gauge your comfort level with their style. Additionally, consider the logistics: location, availability, and whether they accept your insurance or offer a sliding scale for payment. Remember, the therapeutic relationship is key, so seek a professional who communicates openly, listens without judgment, and fosters a sense of trust. Ultimately, the right therapist for your anxiety in Houston for you is one with whom you feel a connection and who empowers you to make positive changes in your life.

Decoding the “Best Therapist For Your Anxiety in Houston”

The title “best therapist in Houston” is subjective and depends on individual needs and therapeutic goals. What makes a therapist the “best” for one person may not be the same for another. To decode this, it’s essential to look at therapists’ success rates with anxiety disorders, client testimonials, and their overall reputation in the Houston therapy community. A therapist’s ability to create a customized treatment plan and their commitment to continuous learning can also be indicators of quality. Moreover, the best therapists are those who practice evidence-based treatments and have a proven track record of helping their clients achieve meaningful progress. Finding the best therapist in Houston for your anxiety means doing research, seeking recommendations, and trusting your instinct after meeting with potential therapists. The right fit is one that offers expertise, empathy, and an approach that resonates with you personally.

Stepping into the World of Houston Therapy

Delving into the Houston Therapy Scene

The Houston therapy scene is rich and diverse, with a multitude of options catering to various psychological needs and preferences. From traditional one-on-one counseling sessions to innovative therapy groups and workshops, the city offers a wealth of resources for those seeking help with anxiety. Houston therapists come from a range of backgrounds and specialties, providing services that include but are not limited to cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and integrative approaches. The city’s robust mental health community also means access to support groups and mental health organizations that can complement personal therapy sessions. With such a vibrant and supportive environment, individuals seeking therapy in Houston have the advantage of finding a professional who not only meets their specific needs but also aligns with their personal growth and healing journey.

Navigating Through Houston Therapists and Counseling Options

Navigating the landscape of Houston therapists and counseling options can seem daunting at first, but with the right approach, it can become manageable. Start by defining your goals for therapy and what you hope to achieve. Use trusted resources and directories to make a list of potential therapists near you. Check their qualifications, read reviews, and, if possible, ask for recommendations from friends or healthcare professionals. Many therapists in Houston are now offering online sessions, increasing accessibility for those with busy schedules or mobility constraints. When reaching out, don’t hesitate to ask about their experience with anxiety therapy, their approach to treatment, and what you can expect from the sessions. Remember, your comfort and rapport with the therapist are crucial, so it’s important to take the time to find the right match for your individual needs.

Therapist For Your Anxiety In Houston: Accessibility and Convenience

Therapist near Me: Making Therapy Personal and Close

Finding a therapist for your anxiety in Houston near you can bring therapy into your life with greater ease and less stress. Proximity matters when you’re managing anxiety, as it can reduce the added tension of long commutes and help you fit therapy into your routine. Local therapists are more accessible for regular sessions and can provide insight into community-specific resources and support networks. When searching for ‘therapist near me,’ consider the neighborhoods you frequent for work or personal errands to find locations that are most convenient. This search can also reveal therapists who offer flexible scheduling or teletherapy options, ensuring that therapy fits into your life seamlessly. By choosing a therapist for your anxiety in Houston who is close to home or work, can create a comfortable and sustainable plan for attending therapy sessions, which is an important step in your journey to managing anxiety effectively.

Therapists For Your Anxiety In Houston Near Me

The search for ‘a therapist for your anxiety in Houston’ is about more than finding a convenient location; it’s about bringing the therapeutic process into your life in a way that feels integrated and personal. Local counseling services in Houston not only save you time but also provide a sense of community and belonging, which can be therapeutic in itself. When you find a counselor in your area, it can be easier to establish a regular therapy routine and maintain the momentum you need for progress. Additionally, local counselors often understand the unique dynamics and stressors of your environment, offering more tailored and relevant guidance. With telehealth options, even if you can’t find the right fit within physical proximity, you can still bring Houston’s best counseling services to your home. This accessibility ensures that support is always within reach, keeping your path to mental wellness clear.

Malaty Therapy: The Best Houston Therapists
Address: 11211 Katy Freeway Suite 300 Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 628-3966

We invite you to take the first step towards holistic well-being by connecting with us. Together, we can grow, resilience, and positive transformation.

Finding the Best Counselors in Houston: Your Guide to Quality Mental Health Care

The vast majority of individuals find themselves struggling with their mental health at least once during the course of their lifespan. We can find ourselves struggling with our mental health for a variety of reasons including vocational and familial pressures, chemical and biological imbalances, social stressors, and struggles with our self-esteem. While there are several ways that we, as individuals, can independently work to improve our mental health and lessen certain mental health-related symptoms, the intervention of professional help is oftentimes the best way we can invest in ourselves and strive for long term success and overall well being. In fact, most individuals find themselves suffering with their mental health for longer than they need to due to the fear and uncertainty of what the world of professional counseling looks like. Adequate mental health care is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and seeking professional help from qualified counselors in Houston can significantly impact one’s journey toward recovery and personal growth. However, the effectiveness of counseling largely depends on finding the right counselor who aligns with an individual’s needs and preferences. In a vastly populated city like Houston, where cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and values vary widely, the significance of selecting the right counselor becomes even more pronounced. In today’s society, finding the best counselor can be overwhelming, especially for individuals from marginalized or underrepresented communities who may face additional barriers to accessing culturally competent care. This blog aims to explore the importance of finding the right counselors in Houston for mental health care, especially in a diverse urban landscape like Houston, backed by evidence-based research. In this blog, we will outline the benefits and importance of diving into the journey of professional counseling along with advice on researching counselors in Houston, asking the right questions during initial consultations, and considering factors such as specialization, credentials, and therapeutic approach.

Understanding the Role of Counselors In Houston

Counselors play an extremely important role in supporting individuals, couples, and families in addressing various mental health concerns and increasing an individual’s level of spiritual, mental, physical, social, emotional and overall well-being. However, as with many other fields, professional counseling comes in many forms. Individual Counseling involves one-on-one sessions between a counselor and a client. A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology found that individual psychotherapy is effective in treating depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD.) Individual counseling provides a safe and confidential space for clients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and develop coping strategies to manage challenges. If an individual’s mental or emotional distress is stemming from relationship or family stressors, family therapy and couples counseling also exists as an additional form of professional support. Couples counseling focuses on improving communication, resolving conflicts, and strengthening relationships between intimate partners. Evidence-based approaches such as Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and Behavioral Couples Therapy (BCT) have been shown to be effective in reducing relationship distress and enhancing relationship satisfaction. Couples therapy helps partners gain insight into relational patterns, develop empathy and understanding, and build healthier dynamics. Family therapy involves working with families as a whole or in smaller groups to address relational issues, communication patterns, and conflicts. Family therapy promotes collaboration, empathy, and problem-solving skills among family members, fostering positive changes within the family system. Regardless of which form of counseling best meets your needs, professional counseling should always be facilitated by a licensed professional. Becoming a counselor requires a combination of education, training, and licensure to ensure competence and ethical practice. Most counselors in Houston hold a master’s or doctoral degree in counseling or a related field, which includes coursework in counseling theories, assessment techniques, and ethical practice. Accredited counseling programs adhere to rigorous academic standards set by accrediting bodies such as the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) or the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE). Additionally, counselors undergo supervised clinical training to develop therapeutic skills and competencies. Evidence-based practices are emphasized in clinical training programs, ensuring that counselors in Houston are proficient in delivering interventions supported by research evidence. In order to officially “practice” as a professional, counselors must obtain state licensure to practice independently and legally provide counseling services. Licensure requirements vary by state but typically include completing a specified number of supervised clinical hours, passing a licensure examination, and adhering to ethical codes of conduct. Licensure ensures that counselors meet minimum competency standards and adhere to ethical guidelines, protecting the public from unqualified practitioners.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Counselor

It can seem very overwhelming at first when trying to choose the right counselor for you and your specific mental health struggles. Naturally, the first thing we all do when trying to research counselors in Houston is to go to our nearest search engine and type in “therapists near me”, but what happens once we do that and we are given hundreds of profiles to look at? While the process of seeking professional counseling can definitely be overwhelming at the first glance, there are several things to look for that help break down the search. For starters, choosing the right counselor involves considering various factors, including specialization, therapy approach, cultural competence, rapport, and practical considerations such as location, availability, and insurance coverage. Each of these aspects contributes to the effectiveness and appropriateness of counseling services for individual needs. In regards to specialization, specialization refers to a counselor’s expertise in addressing specific mental health concerns or populations. When selecting a counselor, it’s essential to consider whether their specialization aligns with your needs. For example, if you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or trauma, you may seek a counselor with experience and training in these areas. Research suggests that matching clients with counselors in Houston who specialize in their presenting concerns enhances treatment outcomes and satisfaction. Furthermore, counselors utilize various therapy approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), humanistic therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and others. Each approach has its theoretical framework and techniques. It’s crucial to explore different therapy approaches and consider which resonates best with your preferences and goals for therapy. In regards to cultural competency, when choosing a counselor, consider whether they demonstrate cultural competence and sensitivity to your cultural identity, values, and experiences. Rapport and the therapeutic alliance are important factors, but these don’t really come into play until your first encounters with your therapist. When beginning the initial searching process, the last key factor to research are practical considerations such as the counselor’s location, availability of appointment times, and insurance coverage are essential for ensuring accessibility and affordability of counseling services. Choosing a counselor who is conveniently located and offers flexible scheduling options can facilitate regular attendance and continuity of care. Additionally, verifying insurance coverage or exploring affordable payment options can help alleviate financial barriers to accessing counseling.

Client Experiences: Testimonials and Success Stories

At Malaty Therapy, we have had the honor and privilege to assist multiple individuals of all ages begin their therapeutic journey. We have served a wide range of our local community in relation to specific mental health issues and we have seen clients continuously soar since beginning their journey with us. Compassionate and skilled counselors in Houston play a pivotal role in facilitating healing and growth in individuals’ lives. Through their expertise, empathy, and unconditional support, counselors empower individuals to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, resilience, and fulfillment, ultimately paving the way for a brighter and more hopeful future. In fact, the transformative impact of counseling extends beyond the therapeutic setting, permeating all aspects of individuals’ lives. As individuals experience emotional healing, self-discovery, and personal growth, they often report improvements in overall well-being and quality of life. Whether it’s greater self-confidence, improved coping skills, or a renewed sense of purpose, counseling equips individuals with the tools they need to thrive in both their personal and professional pursuits.

Navigating the Initial Consultation

If you feel that beginning therapy is the next best intervention in your mental health journey, we are honored to help you at Malaty Therapy! While it can seem overwhelming to begin therapy, we strive to make this an easy process for you. I you are looking to start therapy at Malaty Therapy, we encourage you to call and tell us a little bit about what you are noticing within the mental, physical, emotional, social and behavioral facets of your life. Once we have a little bit of insight into where you are currently at on your journey, we can then work to match you to a therapist that best fits their needs. If you have demographic preferences (gender, age, etc.) regarding their therapist, please let us know so that we can meet these requirements for you. Once we have matched you with a therapist, we offer free consultation calls before your first appointment where you can ask the specific therapists about their practice, their individual experiences within the field of professional counseling, or any questions/reservations you may have about the therapeutic process. Our therapists meet you where you are at along your journey. We offer both in-person and virtual appointments and while we recommend weekly appointments when beginning therapy, we are happy to work with you regarding your schedule to create a therapeutic schedule that best fits. Our therapists work to cultivate a safe, nonjudgmental and confidential relationship in which you feel comfortable sharing your feelings and stressors. Each of our licensed clinicians specializes in specific treatment modalities over others, so we encourage you to explore different modalities to see what might best fit your needs. If you don’t know, then we can assist with this!

Additional Resources for Counselors In Houston

Building a comprehensive support network is crucial for maintaining mental health and resilience, especially during challenging times. In addition to individual, family or couples counseling, accessing a variety of resources and support services can provide additional avenues for healing and growth. Some resources for mental health support in Houston include crisis hotlines, such as the Harris Center Crisis Line for 24/7 crisis intervention and support. (713-970-7000,) the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for Confidential support for individuals in distress (1-800-273-TALK (8255),), and the crisis text line (Text HOME to 741741) to connect with a crisis counselor via text message. Additionally, the Houston area has great resources for support groups including Mental Health America of Greater Houston and NAMI Greater Houston (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Throughout your mental health journey, it is essential to remember that mental health support is multifaceted, and building a comprehensive support network can include a combination of individual counseling, group therapy, crisis intervention, community resources, and online support services. By accessing a variety of resources and reaching out for support when needed, individuals can strengthen their resilience and enhance their overall well-being.

Work With An Expert Counselor In Houston At Malaty Therapy

Overall, while the journey to finding the best counselor for you and your recovery can seem overwhelming at first, breaking it down and having the courage to step into the unknown is the best investment that you can ever make in yourself. In the journey towards healing and well-being, taking proactive steps to find the right counselor can make all the difference. When searching for a counselors in Houston, remember to take the time to research what treatment modalities and types of therapists best align with your needs, don’t be afraid to reach out for help, ask as many questions as you can, and ultimately, embrace the unknown and the solution that lies on the other side of discomfort. Remember, quality mental health care is within reach, and finding the best counselor for you is a vital step towards healing and well-being. Don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself and take the necessary steps to access the support you deserve. Your mental health journey is unique, and finding the right counselor who respects and values your individuality can make all the difference in your path towards growth and resilience. You deserve compassionate, effective, and empowering counseling services that meet your unique needs and support you in reaching your fullest potential.

Malaty Therapy: The Best Houston Therapists
Address: 11211 Katy Freeway Suite 300 Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 628-3966

We invite you to take the first step towards holistic well-being by connecting with us. Together, we can grow, resilience, and positive transformation.

Navigating Houston’s Top Psychologists With Malaty Therapy

Finding the right psychologist is an important step in addressing mental health needs. Regardless of what it is that you are experiencing that is making you feel the need to take the next step and reach out for mental health support, the right help is out there. Research consistently highlights the importance of therapist-client matching, as it significantly influences treatment outcomes and the therapeutic alliance’s effectiveness. Evidence-based studies back this significance up by demonstrating that a strong therapeutic alliance correlates with better treatment adherence, symptom reduction, and overall satisfaction with therapy. A study published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology found that clients who perceived a good match between themselves and their therapist experienced greater improvement in their mental health symptoms. This emphasizes the pivotal role of rapport and compatibility in therapeutic success. Furthermore, research suggests that therapists’ adherence to evidence-based practices significantly enhances treatment outcomes, emphasizing the importance of selecting a psychologist who aligns with evidence-based modalities. Houston’s diverse population enhances the need for specialized, culturally competent care in mental health services. With a widespread community of ethnicities, cultures, and backgrounds, Houstonians require therapists who understand and respect their unique identities and experiences. Research published in the American Psychologist highlights the importance of culturally adapted interventions in improving mental health outcomes among diverse communities. These interventions incorporate cultural values, beliefs, and practices into therapy, fostering a deeper understanding and connection between therapist and client. In a city as diverse as Houston, culturally competent care is not just beneficial but essential for ensuring equitable access to quality mental health services. With these factors in mind, the ultimate goal of this blog is to empower you in finding Houston’s top psychologists for your unique needs. By using evidence-based research, we aim to provide guidance on selecting a psychologist who not only possesses the necessary expertise but also demonstrates cultural competence and aligns with evidence-based practices. Our goal is to facilitate informed decision-making and ultimately improve the mental health outcomes of individuals across Houston’s diverse communities.

Understanding the Role of Houston’s Top Psychologists

Psychologists play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating various mental health conditions using their expertise in understanding human behavior, cognition, and emotion. Their training equips them with the skills to conduct comprehensive assessments, formulate accurate diagnoses, and implement evidence-based interventions tailored to each individual’s needs. Evidence-based research consistently proves the effectiveness of psychological interventions across a wide range of mental health conditions. For instance, meta-analyses have demonstrated the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Studies also support the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy in addressing borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation. Psychologists utilize these evidence-based approaches, among others, to provide customized and effective treatment for their clients. It’s important to differentiate psychologists from other mental health professionals, such as counselors and psychiatrists. While counselors may offer therapeutic support and guidance, psychologists undergo extensive training, typically earning a doctoral degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D.), and are licensed to diagnose mental health disorders and provide psychotherapy. Psychiatrists, on the other hand, are medical doctors who specialize in mental health and can prescribe medication in addition to providing therapy. Houston’s top psychologists often collaborate with psychiatrists and other healthcare professionals to ensure holistic and integrated care for their clients. When selecting a psychologist, qualifications, licensure, and specialized training are paramount considerations. Research indicates that therapists’ credentials and expertise significantly impact treatment outcomes. A study published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology found that therapists with higher levels of training and experience demonstrated greater effectiveness in delivering psychotherapy. Additionally, licensure ensures that psychologists adhere to ethical standards and professional guidelines, safeguarding clients’ well-being. Specialized training in specific modalities or populations further enhances a psychologist’s ability to address complex mental health issues effectively. For instance, Houston’s top psychologists who have training in trauma-focused therapies may be better equipped to work with individuals who have experienced trauma. Research supports the importance of therapist competence and alignment with evidence-based practices in achieving positive treatment outcomes.

Criteria To Consider When Researching Houston’s Top Psychologists

When evaluating Houston’s top psychologists, several important criteria should be considered to ensure the best match for your individual mental health needs. Specialization is one major factor that you should be on the lookout for, as psychologists often have expertise in specific areas such as child psychology, neuropsychology, or trauma therapy. Research suggests that matching the therapist’s specialization with the client’s needs leads to better treatment outcomes. For example, a study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry found that children showed greater improvement when treated by psychologists specialized in child psychology compared to generalist therapists. The therapeutic approach employed by a psychologist is another crucial consideration. Different therapeutic modalities, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, or mindfulness-based approaches, may be more suitable depending on the individual’s preferences and presenting issues. Evidence-based research consistently supports the effectiveness of various therapy approaches for treating different mental health conditions. For instance, a study published in JAMA Psychiatry concluded that CBT is effective in treating a range of anxiety disorders. Experience is also a significant factor in evaluating psychologists. Research indicates that therapist experience correlates with better treatment outcomes. A study published in Psychotherapy Research found that therapist experience positively influenced treatment effectiveness across various therapy modalities.
Cultural competence is vital, especially in diverse communities like Houston. Houston’s top Psychologists possess the ability to understand and respect clients’ cultural backgrounds and identities to create a safe and inclusive therapeutic environment. Research underscores the importance of cultural competence in therapy outcomes, particularly among minority populations. A study in the Journal of Counseling Psychology found that culturally competent therapy led to better engagement and treatment retention among ethnically diverse clients. Practical considerations such as location, availability, and insurance coverage also play a role in selecting a psychologist. Access to mental health care can be impacted by logistical and socioeconomic barriers, so choosing a psychologist who is conveniently located and accepts insurance can facilitate consistent treatment attendance.

How To Find Houston’s Top Psychologists

Trying to find the right therapist for you, but don’t know where to start? When researching top psychologists in Houston, there are several valuable resources available to individuals seeking mental health care. Websites like Psychology Today, GoodTherapy, and the American Psychological Association’s Psychologist Locator offer comprehensive directories of licensed psychologists in Houston. These directories allow users to search for psychologists based on criteria such as location, specialization, therapy approach, and accepted insurance plans. Each psychologist’s profile typically includes information about their credentials, areas of expertise, therapeutic techniques, and contact details, enabling individuals to find a psychologist who meets their specific needs. Additionally, organizations like the Texas Psychological Association (TPA) and the Houston Psychological Association (HPA) serve as resources for both psychologists and individuals seeking mental health services. These associations often provide directories of their members, along with information about their qualifications, areas of specialization, and practice locations. Additionally, professional associations may offer resources, workshops, and events related to mental health and psychological services in the Houston area. Referrals additionally go a long way when seeking the best fit for your mental health care needs. Seeking recommendations from trusted sources such as primary care physicians, other mental health professionals, friends, or family members can be invaluable when searching for a psychologist. These individuals can provide firsthand insight into their experiences with a particular psychologist, including their effectiveness, communication style, and compatibility with clients. Referrals from trusted sources can help individuals feel more confident in their decision and streamline the process of finding a psychologist who meets their needs. Regardless of what you are using to search for psychologists that may be able to help you most, you should always be reading reviews. Reading reviews and testimonials from previous clients can offer valuable insight into Houston’s top psychologist’s effectiveness and compatibility. Reviews posted on platforms such as Google, Yelp, Healthgrades, or the psychologist’s own website can provide candid perspectives on the therapist’s approach, communication skills, and overall impact on clients’ lives. While individual experiences may vary, reviewing a psychologist’s feedback can help individuals assess whether they feel comfortable and confident in pursuing therapy with that provider. However, when reading reviews, consider factors such as the number of reviews, the diversity of experiences shared, and the credibility of the reviewing individuals. While reviews can provide helpful insights, they should be considered alongside other factors such as the psychologist’s credentials, experience, and therapeutic approach when making a decision about mental health care.

Navigating Your Initial Appointment At Malaty Therapy

Once you find the right clinician that you believe will align best with your mental health needs, it can seem daunting and confusing as to how to begin the therapeutic process. At Malaty Therapy, we strive to help you get started with therapy in a way that answers all of your questions and leaves you feeling empowered right at the start. If you have decided to begin the counseling process with us at Malaty Therapy, we encourage you to call our office or send us an email so that our office admin can give you a phone call. While this is a process that we use at our practice, regardless of where you seek mental health care, the initial setup and appointment should be of similar statute. On the phone, you will be asked a few questions so that we can gain insight regarding what you are hoping to gain from the therapeutic process. The purpose of this is so that we can help match you to the clinician on staff that best aligns with your needs. Once we have matched you with a clinician, you will be able to schedule a free, fifteen minute consultation call with the clinician that we have matched you with prior to the first session. During these consultation calls, you will be able to speak with your clinician about what you are hoping to gain from the therapeutic journey, express any reservations that you may have regarding the counseling process, and ask any questions that you may have regarding how your clinician individually practices and what the counseling process might look like. Once your consultation call is complete, we will schedule you for your first session, either in-person or virtually. The first session will start the building of the collaborative, therapeutic relationship between you and your clinician. The clinician will ask you questions in a conversational, interview-like manner in order to gain more insight into what you are bringing into the therapeutic space and start the art of conversation. As with any relationship, it is important to establish a good rapport in order to build trust with your clinician. As the therapeutic alliance continues to strengthen, you and your clinician will collaborate on treatment goals and your therapist will work with you to figure out how to reach your goals. Our clinicians will meet you exactly where you are at on your mental health journey, so you don’t need to come to your first session with anything prepared. Once your clinician has had an opportunity to speak with you, they will decide which treatment modality will best align with your needs. Our clinicians tailor our approaches to best suit your needs by using pieces from different treatment modalities to create a custom treatment plan and method of practice that works for you. Some common modalities that help individuals that are struggling with a range of mental health-related issues include cognitive behavioral therapy, humanistic therapy, solution-focused brief therapy and more. Within each of these treatment modalities, our clients will teach you techniques that will help to lessen your symptoms and strengthen your quality of life and overall well being.

Additional Resources for Mental Health Support In Houston

No one needs to suffer alone or in silence. When battling your mental health, community support is essential in addition to professional counseling. Community support is just that: it offers you a sense of community. In general, in today’s society, more individuals than we think struggle with their mental health at some point in their lives and can offer us more than we can imagine with their experiences. If you are looking for additional resources, peer support, coping skills and practices that you can start implementing in your everyday life to lessen the symptoms of depression, look towards organizations such as NAMI, the Born This Way Foundation, and Malaty Therapy. If you are needing more immediate support outside, we suggest turning to crisis hotlines, such as the Harris Center Crisis Line for 24/7 crisis intervention and support. (713-970-7000,) the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for Confidential support for individuals in distress (1-800-273-TALK (8255),), and the crisis text line (Text HOME to 741741) to connect with a crisis counselor via text message. While this is knowledge that your therapist will introduce to you along the therapeutic journey, but if you are wanting to get started or are in immediate crisis, we encourage you to head to these organization pages or crisis hotlines to conduct research for yourself and good the support that you need.

Houston’s Expert Therapists at Malaty Therapy

In the blog, we’ve dived into the crucial importance of finding the best psychologists in Houston for your mental health care needs, discussed the benefits of seeking mental health assistance from licensed providers and shown you what the first session will most likely look like alongside setting up an initial appointment. While it can be overwhelming to embark on your mental health recovery journey, taking proactive steps in researching and reaching out to psychologists who align with their needs and preferences is paramount. By utilizing available resources and considering essential criteria, you can make informed decisions about your mental health care. Regardless of where you are currently at on your journey, quality mental health care is within reach and finding the best psychologist is a vital step towards healing and well-being. By investing time and effort in finding the right therapist, you can access effective treatment tailored to your unique needs, ultimately enhancing your spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, social, and overall well-being and quality of life. Taking proactive steps towards finding Houston’s top psychologists is a powerful act of self-care and the best investment in your mental health journey.

Malaty Therapy: The Best Houston Therapists
Address: 11211 Katy Freeway Suite 300 Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 628-3966

We invite you to take the first step towards holistic well-being by connecting with us. Together, we can grow, resilience, and positive transformation.

Strengthening Your Relationship: Finding the Ideal Counselor For Couples in Houston

Are you having communication issues within your current relationship? Do you feel like you and your partner are constantly on different pages and it is causing friction within the partnership? Are you struggling to make a decision about the future of your relationship? If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then couples counseling may be the next step for you and your partner! Couples counseling in Houston is the bravest and most loving way to grow not only as a unit, but as individuals as well. In today’s society, the term “couples counseling” has a negative bias, as most individuals see the entrance into couples counseling as synonymous with “trouble in paradise.” However, couples counseling can strengthen relationships at any status, whether in distress or not. Maybe there haven’t been any significant issues within your relationship, but you feel like your connection isn’t as strong as it once was? Couples counseling can help you find the spark that seemingly has dimmed as time has passed. At Malaty Therapy, we value our couples and our mission is to help foster adaptability, explore the varying styles of communication within a partnership, align in shared goals, and ultimately, help you find joy in your relationship again. At Malaty Therapy, dedicated licensed professional counselor Amy Coldwell specialize in couples counseling in Houston and is here to help you in all of your relationship needs. Amy understands the unique challenges that come from each relationship. Amy not only possess the clinical skills and training experience necessary for treating couples, but she also possess a great passion for helping couples reach their full potential, unite in a mutual and healthy fashion, and help empower the individuals within a partnership in ways that strengthen the unit as a whole. In today’s blog, we aim to guide Houston couples in finding the right counselor for their relationship needs as well as exploring what couples counseling in Houston looks like and how it can benefit and strengthen your relationship.

Understanding the Dynamics of Couples Counseling In Houston

Couples counseling is a unique method of therapeutic treatment that includes joint sessions with both partners within a relationship in addition to the counselor. In couples counseling, the counselor acts as a collaborative guide and facilitator to drive constructive conversations between partners within a relationship with the ultimate goal of helping couples improve their relationship, resolve conflicts, and enhance communication and intimacy. The biggest issues that seem to arise amongst couples in today’s society include communication differences/dysfunctions, decreased connection, differences relating to situational occurrences, and simply being on different pages regarding their relationship. While the idea of “couples counseling” seems to carry the stigma of “there’s a problem”, couples counseling can be extremely beneficial in any stage of any relationship. One of the most sought-after benefits of couples counseling includes overall individual wellbeing. A partnership’s sense of spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social and overall wellbeing is reflective of each individual’s facets of wellbeing. While the couples counseling process is conducted with couples together, in these sessions, individuals are encouraged to discover the issues they are having within their own individual lives and sense of selves. If facilitated correctly, this can turn into extreme, individual growth in a supportive environment. Additionally, couples counseling can help prevent or further relationship deterioration by addressing issues and conflicts early on instead of later when these issues and conflicts have developed into bigger ones. While early intervention is important in every instance of counseling in general, it is especially important in couples counseling. With couples counseling, as previously stated, there is no “wrong” time to start! At Malaty Therapy, our couples therapist Amy Coldwell, works with couples at every stage of their relationship and have helped guide couples through every array of issues. From disagreements with parenting and general disconnection to bigger issues like infidelity and financial conflicts, Amy Coldwell uses varying treatment modalities to help couples improve communication, foster individual growth and resilience, resolve conflicts through an objective lens, and help guide individuals to find alignment within their views of their relationship as a whole.

Signs Your Relationship Might Benefit from Couples Counseling

If you are wondering whether or not you and your partner should start couples counseling, there are a couple of signs that might help you make your decision. Communication breakdown is a key sign that couples counseling in Houston might be a great next step for you and your partner. Communication breakdown can look like frequent arguments, passive-aggressive behavior, and difficulty expressing emotions or resolving conflict. Research published in the Journal of Family Psychology highlights communication difficulties as a key predictor of relationship dissatisfaction and distress. Some additional signs that couples counseling might be the best intervention for you and your partner are loss of trust or intimacy, recurring conflicts amongst the partnership, and general emotional distress. These signs can be direct results of some of the most common relationship struggles faced by couples in Houston, including a poor work-life balance, cultural differences, financial stress, difficulty with navigating life’s transitions and health issues that an individual within the partnership may be experiencing. Regardless of which signs you may be witnessing within your own partnership, intervening early is the key to increasing your likelihood of a positive outcome from couples counseling in Houston. When approaching relational issues with early intervention, you may help prevent further escalation of relational issues, enhance your communication skills as a unit and as individuals, increase your level of validation and support, introduce tailored interventions that you and your partner may not have tried yet, and strengthen your partnership in general. Seeking counseling services from licensed clinicians such as the staff at Malaty Therapy, can provide couples with the tools, insights, and support they need to overcome challenges, enhance communication, and build a stronger and more fulfilling partnership. Professional counselors allow an objective perspective that can be beneficial within a partnership. Regardless of what your adversities may be within your current relationship, it is hard for you and your partner to come to a mutual understanding over certain things. This is where the objectivity of the professional counselor comes into play.

Experts Therapists at Malaty Therapy in Houston

At Malaty Therapy, our team of licensed clinicians operate under the same mission: to give you the tools that you need for success all within a safe, secure, and non-judgmental environment. Malaty Therapy is composed of professionally licensed clinicians who continuously engage in new workshops and continuing education courses to broaden and strengthen their skills and expertise. At Malaty Therapy, we work with individuals, families and couples at all stages of their individual mental health journeys. At Malaty Therapy, our clinicians will meet you exactly where you are at and expect nothing from you upon your first session. It is our duty to provide you a confidential and safe space in which you can process difficult feelings and experiences all under the collaborative guidance of one of our clinicians. Our practice is made up of a panel of clinicians that varies in gender, age, cultural background and areas of expertise. Our diverse staff allows us to custom match you to a therapist that will best fit your needs. Amy Coldwell and Donald Bradley are two of our clinicians that specialize in couples counseling. Amy is trauma-informed, licensed professional counselors (LPC’s) and find a great passion for helping couples grow through the therapeutic journey. While Amy and Donald practice with varying approaches, they both align in the mutual desire to help you regain empowerment within your own individual self and within your partnership. Amy and Donald both recognize that beginning couples counseling can be an unnerving, new step into the unknown. However, they both approach professional counseling with a warm demeanor and prioritize the sacred space that the therapeutic setting should be. When working with couples, Amy and Donald are just as invested in you as a unit as they are regarding both you and your partner as individuals.

Houston’s Couples Counseling Expert Amy Coldwell

Amy Coldwell goals when working with counseling and have many alignments in the way they approach the practice of professional counseling. Amy takes a collaborative approach that helps you weave together your unique strengths, culture, spirituality, relationships, and experiences. Additionally, Amy has extensive training in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), which has carved out a trauma-informed lens for working with clients and couples of all ages. Amy provides counseling services to adolescents, adults, individuals with a special emphasis on couples and families. As a clinician, Amy’s specialty areas include Trauma & PTSD, history of abuse, women’s issues, couples counseling, relational issues, parenting & family issues, life transitions, adoption work, attachment issues, anxiety, grief, and depression. During her couples counseling sessions, Amy’s goal is to collaboratively work with you so that you can work to overcome limiting self-beliefs that lead to cycles of relational dysfunction and emotional distress and re-establish a sense of safety in your own mind. Whether you are struggling with past traumas, relational issues, or internal struggles, this is a place dedicated to self-discovery, healing, validation, and acceptance.

Considerations To Make Before Counseling

When choosing a counselor, couples should, of course, select a counselor, like Donald or Amy, that specializes in couples counseling. Couples should also decide on what their preferences look like in a counselor. Whether you have a preferred gender, age range, or method of treatment modality, counseling should be a space in which you feel most comfortable. At Malaty Therapy, we pride ourselves in our diverse staff that can meet all of your preferences and comfort zones with couples counseling. The therapeutic relationship is the most vital part in achieving a positive outcome from the counseling process. The therapeutic alliance should be a confidential, safe, non-judgmental and collaborative relationship that challenges you, validates you, and empowers you. It may take a few sessions to establish a therapeutic alliance with your counselor, but we encourage you to trust your gut when it comes to that first meeting. If you feel that you do not share similar communication styles with your therapist, it’s perfectly okay to get matched with a new one that better fits your needs.

Meet With Malaty Therapy’s Top Houston Therapists

If you are struggling in your relationship, take the first step towards healing today! Contact a therapist at Malaty Therapist specializing in couples counseling in Houston. Start your journey towards a stronger, and happier partnership.

Malaty Therapy: The Best Houston Therapists
Address: 11211 Katy Freeway Suite 300 Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 628-3966

We invite you to take the first step towards holistic well-being by connecting with us. Together, we can grow, resilience, and positive transformation.

The past month has been strange to say the very least. The normal day-to-day activities that we had grown so accustomed to, like attending school and work, grocery shopping, and meeting friends and loved ones for brunch or dinner has changed in ways we never could have imagined. For those of us who feel the most filled up on days when we have had the chance to hug our friends at the end of a challenging workweek, we’re really starting to feel the effects of social distancing. These times are weird and filled with emotional challenges, y’all, and it’s okay to acknowledge when you’re feeling the feels, whatever they might be. No one is immune to the effects COVID19 has had on our lives. But the good news is, managing emotional distress during this reprieve from normal life is possible. 

Take a Moment to be Mindful of Your Emotions 

Many of us have gotten so used to the fast-paced nature of our world that the past several weeks have really thrown us for a loop and maybe even caused some of us to ask some pretty tough questions about what our future holds. 

Just know that you are not alone, and that healing and connection can still come from asking tough questions like these in a nonjudgmental, supportive environment: 

  • How will we recover from this? 
  • When will things go back to “normal”? 
  • When will I get to have sushi in a restaurant again? (I feel this one in my soul!) 
  • How do I stay sane during this weird time? 
  • Is it okay for me to be enjoying this time with my family at home? 

Malaty Therapy Can Help You Through Emotional Distress & Uncertainty

We’re Here To Help You Through Emotional Distress & Uncertainty 

We don’t have all the answers, but we’re here to sit in the uncertainty with you and bring hope into each one of our sessions. In those moments when you begin to feel like you just hopped onto your own emotional rollercoaster brought on by judgments and catastrophic thoughts, take a moment to pause, acknowledge the emotions you are feeling, and let yourself know that it is okay and makes sense to feel overwhelmed, nervous, restless, uncertain, and even frustrated during this time. 

Be Mindful & Present in the Moment 

Often what gets us in trouble is our default mode of suppressing, ignoring or avoiding our emotional experiences. This is where mindfulness comes in. In its most basic form, mindfulness is simply noticing what’s happening in the present moment without judgment. 

Checking in on your emotional state and asking yourself questions like these is a great start: 

  • What emotions am I feeling in this very moment? How intensely am I feeling these emotions? 
  • Where do I feel this stress, tension and emotion in my body? 
  • What thoughts am I having that might be making me feel this way? 
  • How do I take care of myself in this moment? 
  • Who can I talk to if things get too heavy for me? 

Malaty Therapy Helps You Face Emotional Distress Head-On

Face Emotional Distress Head-On, Even When It’s Scary

Here’s the thing. Sometimes it can be scary to face our catastrophic thoughts and intense emotions head-on, and it might feel safer to ignore the way we have been emotionally impacted by the changes that have most recently taken place. What we know, though, is that when we ignore or push down our emotions, they tend to stick around and become more unmanageable as more and more thoughts and emotions are added to the pile of things not dealt with. Until we have identified what we are thinking and feeling, it’s hard to effectively find resolution. Sometimes just naming our emotions and thoughts and giving voice to them helps reduce the distress they cause and can bring us a bit of relief. 

“But I Don’t Have Time to Worry About My Emotional Stressors” 

Many of us are facing issues right now that we hadn’t prepared for or even considered. We get it. We understand that just because we’re all spending more time at home, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we all have loads of time and energy on our hands to dedicate hours of our day to things like meditation and spiritual practices. 

A Little Bit of Mindfulness Goes a Long Way…

The cool thing about mindfulness and meditative practices is that a little bit goes a long way. Taking just 5-10 minutes a day to simply pause, focus on your breathing and complete a check-in with yourself and your people makes all the difference. Whether things have slowed down for you as a result of the current state of our world or you’ve found that you’re busier now more than ever, know that sometimes simply just hitting the pause button for a short moment out of each day to check in with yourself and truly see how you are holding up makes all the difference! 

So just to make sure we’re all on the same page: 

  • Times are particularly weird right now. Taking the time to pause, take a few deep breaths and check-in with yourself and your loved ones is a beautiful first step in opening your heart up to the benefits of mindfulness. 
  • Be patient with yourself during this time and know that while we don’t have all the answers right now, we do know that things won’t always be this uncertain and challenging. 

Last But Not Least, Malaty Therapy Is Here For You 

If you notice that you’re experiencing some serious emotional distress and heavy emotions that have become too much to hold on your own, remember that you are not alone, and that we’re here to help! We’re still here Houston, and we are ready to support you and give you the space you need to figure these things out. 

Be Well Houston!

Blog Written By: Rebekah Wallace LCSW

Relationship Therapy Lessons From A Couple’s Counselor

We don’t need experts to tell us that post-COVID-19 reality will see a rise in both birth and divorce rates. While some relationships may blossom as a result of this ‘time out,” many will find it difficult and may feel trapped. Relationship therapy from experts at Malaty Therapy in Houston, Texas can offer licensed guidance.  As a Houston couple’s therapist, I am anticipating an even greater need for relationship therapy help from my clients due to the stresses of COVID-19. But for the time being, I’d like to offer some relationship therapy tips and advice to help you and your partner understand each other, and better communicate. 

Are You Feeling Trapped and Overwhelmed? 

Desire to flee the scene may be high during these times. Your home has turned into a mission control center and overlapping roles keep multiplying. Some of you may feel that chronic tension and disconnect between you and partner has only amplified. You are feeling trapped. Forget about sex. Not much emotional space is left to process the tragedy of it all, either. 

Appreciating The Pause and Connecting 

Maybe, you are someone on the opposite side of this reality, appreciating the pause, using the time for self-reflection and what a pleasant surprise – you found a human next to you on a couch. Turns out it is your partner! 

Intimacy Can Be Frightening 

Well, what do you do with each other in this vastness of time? Have you ever experimented sitting in silence for 5 minutes, looking at each other without any distractions, and realized you were close to having a panic attack? Yep, intimacy can be frightening. 

Wherever You are in the Adaptation Process to COVID-19 as a Couple, Here are Some Reminders and Tips to Consider: 

Relationship Triage Starts with Taking Vitals. 

I invite you to check in with yourself before reading further. What’s the speed that you are going with right now? Are you scrolling to get to the point? When was the last time you paid attention to your breathing? What’s going on in your body? Any tension? If you had to take a guess, what’s your pulse rate right now? When was the last time you checked in with yourself? 

If you were really honest with yourself, who do you track the most, yourself or your partner? Chances are that your most active internal monitor is turned on your partner. When we feel hijacked by irritation, anxiety or chronic upset, our knee jerk reaction is to find a scapegoat. And now s/he is in your face, 24/7! 

Let’s Remind Ourselves of Some Basics from Decades of Research on Relationship and Neurobehavioral Science. 

Reminder 1: Different not wrong. 

Implicit and explicit judgment is a silent killer of relationships.

Over 60% of marital and relationship upsets arise from conflicting values, priorities, beliefs, and personal tendencies for which there is no standard. 

If you think of yourself as more mature, caring, logical, stable, more [fill the blank] – you are on the high horse of contempt. No matter how strategic you are in hiding it, non-verbals will send the message to your partner loud and clear (they comprise 60% of our communication). Your partner, in turn, might start feeling inadequate, defensive, dismissive and will feel more distant or worse of all, vengeful. 

Admitting that you are part of the relationship problem is probably the hardest and most pivotal milestone in couples therapy. This life changing transformation moves the relationship out of the ER into the ICU and back home. 

Bottom line, people develop different styles of coping with stress. It’s essential to remember that one is not better than the other. Here are some examples: 

Independence First (I.F) vs. Togetherness First (T.F)

During stress, Independence First people don’t just want personal space they need it, otherwise they lose their emotional stability. I.F people prefer relationships where each assumes responsibility for self and prefer to rely on direct requests. They might blame T.F people for being selfishly needy. On the other hand, T.F want relationships in which each assumes responsibility for knowing and anticipating the needs of others. They think that mutual dependency is healthy, and see I.F people as selfishly self-absorbed

Invest in the Future (I.F) vs. Live for the Moment First (L.M.F)

I.F people delay enjoyment until they fulfill responsibilities, sacrificing the present for an anxiety free future. L.M people combine work and play, prioritize enjoyment, fear that life will pass them by while they prioritize routine. 

Predictability First (P.F) vs Spontaneity First (S.F)

P.F people need to minimize chaos, organize lives in predictable ways. Their dreams are around safety, protection. They might criticize S.F people’s way of living as irresponsible/inefficient. S.F thrive on the unexpected, dream of co-adventurers, are open exploration of life, and fear that life will become routine. 

Slow to Upset (S.U) vs Readily Upset (R.U)

R.U people experience upset feelings frequently, intensely and use them as agents of change. They value justice and quality over peace/harmony. They tend to criticize S.U people for covering up true feelings and being afraid of emotions. 

S.U people have mechanisms that diffuse upset quickly and value harmony and tolerance. They “don’t sweat the small stuff.” They fear if they become upset there would be no end to it. S.U people criticize R.U for being like children with tantrums, see them as negative people for whom nothing is good enough. 

Problem Solving First (P.S.F) vs Understanding First (U.F)

P.S.F people (usually also Slow to Upset people) don’t look for sympathy and validation but need concrete ways of action to stabilize. For U.F people understanding and validation comes first, plan for action next. They tend to fear that without understanding and validation from their partner life would feel lonely. 

Which are you in each of these? Ask your partner which person they feel they are. 

Reminder 2: Be flexible in changing leads. 

Forgo the myth of reciprocity. Research shows it’s a recipe for disaster. Assume your partner has your best interest, because s/he thinks you do too. 

Scale your anxiety, depression and energy level throughout a day. Ask yourself: “How grounded and present do I feel towards myself, to my partner and kids.” If you are feeling low, share with each other and come up with a plan for the day. Who picks up on what? What are you committed to doing today? If the day is not going as you hoped, check in with your partner, be transparent, renegotiate and modify the agreement. What are your non-negotiables and what are flexible areas where you can meet halfway? If both are low in energy, co-create your “let’s cut us some major slack” day. 

Reminder 3: Ground rules for conflict. 

Practice stepping back during heated moments when you are feeling flooded. Learn your emotional and physiological response pallet. Reassure your partner that you will return and will give your full attention to hear your partner’s reality/perspective and what’s at stake for her/him, even if you know you are about to slam the door. 

For more insights on fair fighting check out this worksheet. 

Reminder 4: Practice self-soothing.

Husband Practicing Self Care By Stretching During COVID19 as Suggested in Relationship Therapy

Have a safety plan when you feel you are about to lose it. 

Your Self-Soothing Safety Plan Might Include: 

  • Taking your fight/flight adrenaline out for a run or work out 
  • Calling a friend 
  • Breathing practice with focus on prolonging your exhales (for faster relaxation) 
  • Listening to music 
  • Taking a bath 
  • Mindfulness practice by engaging 5 senses (tuning in on sounds, things you see, smell, touch and taste) 
  • Yoga 
  • Writing it out 
  • Exploring apps for meditation and mindfulness 

Don’t Dismiss Important Sensations By Self-Medicating

If you notice the urge to self-medicate (with alcohol, nicotine, porn, comfort food, social media, etc) or with rage and aggression, these might be warning signs that some parts of you want to dismiss your body’s important sensations. 

Give yourself permission to feel the full range of emotions. Breathe through discomfort. It is temporary. The fear that these sensations and emotions will overwhelm your system and stay forever if you let them may pound in your head. Invite them, acknowledge, listen, try to understand what their job and fears are, validate, thank them. You’ll see that they step back, like difficult people do when we validate them. 

Reminder 5: Make effective repair. 

If you did lose it and said things you regret, acknowledge that your reaction was not warranted. Express genuine understanding about how your reaction might have impacted your partner. Share what you’ve learned about your triggers. Only talk about your reactions. Don’t feel obliged to agree with their perspective either. You can still disagree, but state that you wish you could have expressed it differently. 

Schedule time to re-create a better version of the same conversation. To get an understanding, give understanding. Ask open ended questions to genuinely understand what’s at stake for them. Validation is the most powerful elixir for any relationship repair, but probably the hardest to learn and embody in your way of relating. Practice meeting them half-way. Again, what are non-negotiables and flexible areas for creating a win-win agreement?

Use This Time To Deepen Your Bond 

Happy Couple Deepening Their Bond By Communicating as Suggested in Relationship Therapy

Intimate relationships hold an infinite opportunity for mastering our emotional intelligence if we stay open to explore our blind spots and continuously generate curiosity about each other. During this time of standstill, I hope you make it a point not only to make your fights fair but also carve out moments to slow down and deepen your bonds. More thoughts on how to look into your blind spots and strengthen your connection to come in Couple’s COVID-19 Triage Part 2 and 3. 

Book recommendations for couples: 

You Are The One You’ve Been Waiting For. Bringing courageous love to intimate relationships 

(Internal Family Systems) by Richard Schwartz. 

Eight Dates: Essential Conversations For a Life Time of Love by John Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman. 


Emotional Intelligence in Couples Therapy, Advances from Neurobiology and the Science of Intimate Relationships,” Brent J. Atkinson. 

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Workby John Gottman and Nan Silver. 

During these times of trouble, you don’t need to struggle alone. Malaty Therapy can help you get through the challenges in your life, brought on by COVID19. If you’re worried, anxious, stressed, we’re here for you! Call us now at (713) 628-3966 to set up a phone, video therapy session today!

Blog Written By: Christina Levin, LMFT-Associate